Toyan releases the design of supercharger for V8 engine FS-V800 today. Later they will do the gasoline modified kit. Subsrcibe stirlingkit to know more details of it. A supercharger is an air compressor that increases the pressure or density of the air supplied to an internal combustion engine. This provides the engine with more oxygen per intake cycle, allowing it to burn more fuel and do more work, thereby increasing power output. The main advantage of supercharging over turbo is instant throttle response and more boost at low engine speeds.The supercharger is connected directly to the engine intake and can provide an additional 50-100 horsepower.
Below is the Toyan V8 engine supercharger. Do you like it? pls comment. Want to hear your feedback before we sell it. Thank you.
By the way, only TWO Left for the fitst 7-days sales of Toyan V8!.Click here to enjoy your deals. The last 48hours to save 300usd before 18th April, 2022.
What is the power output of the FSV800 with, and without supercharger? You stated that “the supercharger will add 50-100 hp”. How is that possible on an engine that only makes 4.3hp??
howmuchh is it
I feel it needs velocity stacks on top of the carbs under the intake scoop for max performance to
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I agree with Mitch cardosi. allso the drive gears need to be seald from the rotor housing. cant wait to order one.
The supercharger looks great, however there are a couple things I would change, first of all, the rotor drive gears should be wider, there is quite a bit of load on the rotors at high speed, and a gear failure would lead to catastrophic engine damage, secondly, I would rather see a separate drive belt for the blower rather than the added stress to the timing belt to drive the supercharger as well as the valvetrain. Otherwise it looks like a very solid design and can’t wait to order one!!
going to look good on the v8 that’ll be sitting in my boat!
Wow that great, Toyan released the supercharge (or root blower) which is very popular on the USA V8 engine to boost up throttle response and hence output power, sure I will have one on my Toyan FS-V88.
That’s amazing! I didn’t expect to see the supercharger for several months. Reserve one for me please 🙏🏻 😁
I also get the good sc with my ordered Talon V8 !